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What batteries fit the Nissan Skyline R32 GTST and GTR? 2023 Version

RB Motoring

What batteries fit the Nissan Skyline R32 GTST and GTR? 2023 Version

Batteries are a wear and tear item in any car, and replacing them is especially crucial now in the winter when they are likely to die. I am writing this article after just going out to start my Skyline and the battery was dead.

The reason for this guide is that the R32 Skyline (and many other JDM cars) use JIS battery terminals, which are smaller than the American SAE terminals. You can’t just go grab the same CCA battery off the shelf at AutoZone for your GTR. Your options are:

#1 MOST POPULAR: Optima yellowtop

The Optima Yellowtop for the Prius is the easiest way to get a good battery with a reasonable warranty delivered to your door. It is a little more expensive ($275 at the time of writing this article), but generally lasts for 3+ years and gives strong CCA in a form factor that fits under the hood. The terminals are the correct size for the R32 Skyline (both GTR and GTST) out of the box.

Buy the Optima Yellowtop on Amazon here.

#2 Option: AC Delco

This battery is from AC Delco and is usually cheaper than the Yellowtop, but has a shorter warranty. As of right now, it is more expensive than the Optima. Watch the price and these regularly dip under $200.

Buy the AC Delco battery for the R32 here.

#3 Option: Odyssey Mini Battery

This battery is small. Very small. Given that, if you don’t drive your R32 very much, it’s going to die prematurely and you’re going to be out $150+ every year. We recommend keeping this one on a tender if you don’t drive your Skyline often. It does have the right posts out of the box and is even better for battery relocations as it can fit in small spaces.

Buy the Odyssey battery here.

As mentioned above: if you can, always keep your battery on a tender. I use this $40 tender from Amazon at my house on my personal car that has had the OEM battery for 10 years, going on 11. A tender keeps your battery at a drip charge of voltage so it never dies. If you save even one battery with a tender, it’s paid for itself a few times over.